The organization
Turisme Garrotxa is a private non-profit making association that has as its main objective the boosting and promoting of a model of sustainable tourism development of quality and respectful of the environment, while following the criteria and strategic directives from the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism.
The members are the 21 town councils in La Garrotxa, Consell Comarcal de la Garrotxa, Consorci de l’Alta Garrotxa and Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa. For the other part, Turisme Garrotxa has the main agreements with Associació d’Hostalatge de la Garrotxa and Associació d’Allotjaments Rurals de la Garrotxa. Turisme Garrotxa has also other agreements with Associació de Turisme i Comerç de la Vall d'en Bas, Associació de Placers de la Plaça Mercat d'Olot, Associació de Comerciants d'Olot and Associació de Turisme Rural de la Garrotxa.
Turisme Garrotxa provides a portfolio of basic services to all associated companies and has an extensive range of on-demand services. The most important service is the "Servei d'Innovació i Producte", aimed at marketing improving the quality of companies through the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (CEST).
The goal of sustainable and quality tourism is the main objective of Tourism Garrotxa and that is already laid out in its statutes.
It would be impossible to achieve these targets without the support of some key elements. It is for this reason that from 2001 Tourism Garrotxa has applied with some success the European charter of Sustainable tourism (CEST), as a framework for these endeavours, and fosters the spread of quality information.