The Tourist Mobility Table of La Garrotxa is created
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- The Tourist Mobility Table of La Garrotxa is created
The Table is promoted by the Garrotxa County Council and Tourism, and is created with the aim of providing solutions in a collaborative way between the private sector and the public sector. The mission of this body is to integrate mobility into the touris
In the framework of the Strategy of the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism of the Garrotxa 2020-2025, and of the recently created Table of regional mobility (that works with a global vision the mobility in the region), from the Regional Council of the Garrotxa and Tourism Garrotxa has promoted the creation of the Tourist Mobility Table of La Garrotxa.
La Taula was created to give continuity to the sustainable tourism model of La Garrotxa, to make decision-making more agile and to adapt to the constant changes of society and its habits in the tourist mobility of the region; also to order and manage the flows of visitors, integrating mobility into the tourist experience itself.
The Table of Tourist Mobility of La Garrotxa wants to be an agile work tool that allows to facilitate solutions in the context of a regional strategy and thus, La Garrotxa can be proactively adapted to a changing reality. In order to find the best understanding, they want to generate synergies between the different public administrations of the region and the private sector, through Turisme Garrotxa and the different private guilds of the tourism sector.
The increase in the influx of visitors who have registered different natural spaces in our region in recent months requires strategic planning to avoid generating situations of mass attendance that could harm the experience of the visit and end affecting the values of our region. The aim is to take advantage of the increase in the number of visitors to the region and that this is an economic shock for the tourism sector, after a few months complicated by the restrictions imposed.
Therefore, one of the first actions in which the members of the Board are working is the creation of a website that allows prior reservation to certain sectors of the region and that serves, in this way, to facilitate the visits of orderly form where municipalities have detected problems of overcrowding.
This website, funded by the County Council of La Garrotxa, can be used by all municipalities and bodies for the management of natural spaces in the region, which will have at their disposal a planning tool for the influx of visitors. The booking website, the details of which are being finalized, is expected to start operating in early July, through the Turisme Garrotxa website.
Meetings have also begun with the private sector in the central area of the Natural Park of the Volcanic Zone of La Garrotxa and the camping sector, to gather concerns and suggestions to be able to work on the Tourist Mobility Table .
The Table of Tourist Mobility of the Garrotxa, that unites representatives of the private and public sector of the region, is integrated by the following members:
Jordi Güell – Conseller Comarcal de Territori, Mobilitat, Infraestructures i Energia
Gemma Canalias – Presidenta de Turisme Garrotxa - Consellera Comarcal de Turisme i Cultura
Lluís Amat – Alcalde de la Vall d’en Bas
Pep Companys – Alcalde de Santa Pau
Eduard Llorà – Alcalde de Les Planes d’Hostoles i President del Consorci Vies Verdes de Girona
Gerard Xifra – President de l’Associació d’Hostalatge de la Garrotxa i vicepresident de Turisme Garrotxa
Lluís Guillaumes – 1r Tinent d’alcalde de l’Ajuntament de les Preses
Agustí Arbós – Regidor de Mobilitat de l’Ajuntament d’Olot
Lluís Guinó – Alcalde de Besalú / Fina Surina – 1a tinent d’alcalde de l’Ajuntament de Besalú.
Mònica Boix - Alcaldessa de Montagut i Oix (com a representant dels ajuntaments de la Vall del Llierca)
Mariona Martí – Responsable del Servei d’Atenció al Visitant de La Fageda Fundació
Xavier Puig – Director del Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa
Xavier Oliver – Tècnic del Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa
Sara Sánchez – Tècnica del Consorci de l’Alta Garrotxa
Sergi Martí – Gerent del Consell Comarcal de la Garrotxa
Turina Serra – Gerent de Turisme Garrotxa