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Turisme Garrotxa from turismegarrotxa on Vimeo.
Routes and excursions TOP
This route visits two of Olot’s most remarkable volcanoes, Montsacopa and Montolivet.
The route connects the Can Blanc district with the car park of the Area of Santa Margarida, passing the Area of Can Serra (Fageda d'en Jordà) and Can Xel.
La Garrotxa is a county that is associated with a great variety of art forms.
This route follows the southern flank of the Pyrenees from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean. Difficult high-altitude sections give way to peaks, valleys, villages, forests and ridges in a varied landscape of great visual beauty.
The revolt of the Remences – a peasant uprising against their lords and the abusive mals usos (feudal obligations) - took place in La Garrotxa during the second half of the 15th century.
This route provides links Mataró and Prada de Conflent and the peak of El Canigó. It runs through attractive landscapes in El Montseny, Les Guilleries and La Garrotxa, and includes sections involving considerable climbs once it reaches the Pyrenees.
The recreational area of Xenacs in Les Preses provides an atypical view of La Garrotxa and is one of the best places anywhere for getting a bird’seye view of Croscat and the other volcanoes in the area. As well, its height makes it an ideal place.