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Turisme Garrotxa from turismegarrotxa on Vimeo.
Routes and excursions TOP
The recreational area of Xenacs in Les Preses provides an atypical view of La Garrotxa and is one of the best places anywhere for getting a bird’seye view of Croscat and the other volcanoes in the area. As well, its height makes it an ideal place.
The parish of Sant Pere Sacosta has the privilege of being one of the oldest and most remote inhabited villages of la Vall de Hostoles. Located on the slopes of la Serra del Puig del Moro, on the north ridge of el Far and below el Coll de Condreu.
This route will take us to one of the most remarkable buildings among the witnesses of Romanesque art and an exceptional pilgrimage center in the Besalú county, Sant Sepulcre de Palera.
Beautiful route to the valley of Hortmoier, one of the quietest in the Alta Garrotxa, wet all year round, surrounded by cliffs.
Urban itinerary that allows to know the medieval structure of the town, as it evolved from the houses of la Sagrera and the Romanesque church to the walled Cellera and the current town, and the most relevant elements of the historic centre.
Walking route to Virgen del Monte, the church of late Romanesque style Sanctuary, dated from the beginning of 20th century.
Sant Miquel del Corb and Sant Martí del Corb, two of the best-kept secrets of the Romanesque heritage of La Garrotxa.
The Bisaroques volcano is the smallest of the four volcanoes in Olot. Along the way, we will see the black, brown and reddish colors of the volcanic soil.