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Turisme Garrotxa from turismegarrotxa on Vimeo.
Routes and excursions TOP
Baumes de Caxurma are a series of natural caves formed in the sedimentary rocks that lie to the south of the basalt cliffs of Castellfollit de la Roca. The largest cave is around 400 m in length.
The intense summer heat is an incentive to search for places to cool off, places where you can rest and at the same time get to know some of the other delights of La Garrotxa.
This route provides links Mataró and Prada de Conflent and the peak of El Canigó. It runs through attractive landscapes in El Montseny, Les Guilleries and La Garrotxa, and includes sections involving considerable climbs once it reaches the Pyrenees.
This route offers an alternative way of discovering three of the most-visited places in La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park.
This route is designed for one-way and you must provide for the return from Riudaura by public transport or car.
Very long route, demanding and very uneven by some of the most unique places of the Alta Garrotxa.
This route follows part of the old ‘Royal Road’, a medieval trail joining these two cities that was probably paved to be able to transport timber to Barcelona to construct a fleet for the king.
The route connects the Can Blanc district with the car park of the Area of Santa Margarida, passing the Area of Can Serra (Fageda d'en Jordà) and Can Xel.