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Turisme Garrotxa from turismegarrotxa on Vimeo.
Routes and excursions TOP
Classic hiking trail to the hermitage of Sant Aniol d'Aguja. Keep in mind that the route goes through an abrupt and wooded area without any type of services, sources, or mobile coverage.
The volcanoes that erupted thousands of years ago in what today is La Garrotxa region gave rise to great lava flows that occupied the bottoms of the local river valleys.
This route offers an alternative way of discovering three of the most-visited places in La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park.
This walk takes you up to the magnificent summit of Finestres, one of the best viewpoints in La Garrotxa. Of great interest are the highly varied landscapes.
In summer 1873 the Carlines besieged Argelaguer and killed the local councillor Sebastià Costa. This route will take you to the sites of some of the episodes of the final Carline War.
Les Planes d’Hostoles is well known for its natural bathing pools that have been used in numerous films and adverts. This is one of four suggestions.
This walk takes you through an area full of natural springs where local people once went to relax, above all in summer.
This route takes you to some of the little-known bathing pools around Santa Pau. This walk also links to the route that visits some of the local natural springs.