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Turisme Garrotxa from turismegarrotxa on Vimeo.
Routes and excursions TOP
Ascension to El Talló, a demanding peak and a great hiking tradition in the Alta Garrotxa area.
This route will take us to one of the most remarkable buildings among the witnesses of Romanesque art and an exceptional pilgrimage center in the Besalú county, Sant Sepulcre de Palera.
The pond of Bassa de Monars and its lush green surroundings is a welcoming place to stop. Monars is part of Montagut i Oix and according to the 2007 census, eight people live in this hamlet. The first documentary records for Sant Sebastià date from 1064.
The excursion goes through the dominions of the oak wood, the beech grove and the mountain meadows, and also aims to reach two of the highest and most emblematic peaks of the Alta Garrotxa.
Discover the Art Nouveau heritage of la Garrotxa.
La Garrotxa is a county that is associated with a great variety of art forms.
The volcanoes that erupted thousands of years ago in what today is La Garrotxa region gave rise to great lava flows that occupied the bottoms of the local river valleys.