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Turisme Garrotxa from turismegarrotxa on Vimeo.
Routes and excursions TOP
Les Planes d’Hostoles is famous for its pools, but also for having been an important site during the Remença revolt.
This route follows the southern flank of the Pyrenees from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean. Difficult high-altitude sections give way to peaks, valleys, villages, forests and ridges in a varied landscape of great visual beauty.
This route visits some of the sites in La Garrotxa that are indelibly associated with the Third Carline War (1872–1876).
The church of Sant Julià de Ribelles is Romanesque and was consecrated in 947. Sant Aniol d’Aguja dates from the High Middle Ages and was a Benedictine monastery before being transformed into a parish church and sanctuary.
Marian Vayreda’s novel La Punyalada provides one of the best ways of discovering the Alta Garrotxa. The places depicted by this 19th century author in the scenes from his famous novel have been joined in a discovery route.
The volcanoes that erupted thousands of years ago in what today is La Garrotxa region gave rise to great lava flows that occupied the bottoms of the local river valleys.
The parish of Sant Pere Sacosta has the privilege of being one of the oldest and most remote inhabited villages of la Vall de Hostoles. Located on the slopes of la Serra del Puig del Moro, on the north ridge of el Far and below el Coll de Condreu.