Espai Cràter inaugurates the CRÀTER 360 immersive experience

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  • Espai Cràter inaugurates the CRÀTER 360 immersive experience
Friday 12 of July of 2024

The new proposal invites you to experience a journey to four inaccessible volcanoes, from the seabed to space.

Espai Cràter has inaugurated CRÀTER 360, a sensory experience that invites visitors on a fascinating journey through four inaccessible volcanoes. This ground-breaking installation will transport viewers from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of space, exploring extraordinary volcanic landscapes.

The tour begins in the depths of the ocean, where emerging lava cools quickly forming pillow lavas. This underwater dive reveals the complexity and beauty of the underwater volcanic formation. Next, travel to Antarctica to explore the stunning Mount Erebus, the southernmost active volcano on Earth. It is a large stratovolcano with ice tunnels and a permanently active lava lake, a unique place in the world that offers a fascinating view of volcanism in extreme environments.

The adventure continues to a tropical area in the Pacific Ring of Fire, where a strong hydromagmatic eruption occurs. This event causes a tsunami and a pyroclastic density current that reaches the coast. The last stop invites you to travel to an extra-planetary environment. After passing by the Moon, Mars and an asteroid belt, it reaches Jupiter's satellite Io. This environment, with high volcanic activity, presents eruptions that can exceed 400 km in height.

The new immersive cube, financed by Next Generation funds and managed by Olot City Council, Espai Cràter and the Regional Council of La Garrotxa as part of the "La Garrotxa Soft & Smart Country. Tourist destination, sustainable and intelligent" has been developed by the company Onionlab with the rigorous scientific advice of the experts Xavier de Bolós and Adelina Geyer from the Applied Volcanology team of Geosciences Barcelona of the CSIC.

More information.