In the second half of the XIX century, Catalan landscape painting acquired an importance and personality previously unknown to this genre. Among the landscape artists of the moment were Josep Armet and Josep Berga, however it was Joaquim Vayreda who became the foremost Catalan landscape painter. In his work, the landscape took centre stage.
Vayreda was the founder of the Olot School of countryside painting, a movement characterised by the taste for painting from nature and directly inspired by the works of the French artists of Barbizon School. Their canvases, which enjoyed wide exposure and considerable success, influenced numerous Catalan landscape painters.
The Museu de la Garrotxa has an extensive collection of paintings by the Olot School, and the Museu dels Sants has a collection centred on one of Olot's traditional industries: religious imagery. And it is Olot's saints' workshops that make virtually all the religious sculptures that are found around the world. The museum shows the whole process of making these pieces and allows you to see, first hand, the inside of a workshop (on week days).
Olot School
Routes and excursions TOP
Grau d'Escales route. Route 2 Montagut i Oix
Grau d'Escales is a relatively easy pass (grau = ‘pass’ and escala = ‘step’ in Catalan) between two abrupt cliffs from where there are good views of the Salt dels Lliberals (Liberal’s Leap).
Third carlinada route. Route 3 Argelaguer
In summer 1873 the Carlines besieged Argelaguer and killed the local councillor Sebastià Costa. This route will take you to the sites of some of the episodes of the final Carline War.
Sant Feliu de Pallerols - Coll de Condreu. Natural Park route 20
The itinerary begins at the old Sant Feliu de Pallerols train station (currently the Tourism Office). It is worth starting with the climb to Coll de Condreu due to the steep slope we find from La Salut.
A viewpoint over la Vall d'en Bas and la Garrotxa. Route 3 Garrotxa
This is a demanding route as it gains height quickly over a short distance. However, it provides for wonderful views of two singular sites: the impressive waterfall of Salt del Sallent, at its best after heavy rain, and the chapel of Santa Magdalena.
Route Santa Bàrbara de Pruneres
Santa Bàrbara lies in the heart of L'Alta Garrotxa and affords memorable views over the Oix valley and the mountains of Bassegoda and El Ferran.The church dates from the twelfth or early thirteenth century, although it is likely that a primitive church.
GR 11 - Cross-Pyrenean trail
This route follows the southern flank of the Pyrenees from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean. Difficult high-altitude sections give way to peaks, valleys, villages, forests and ridges in a varied landscape of great visual beauty.
From Sant Pere Despuig to the Rovira bridge, passing by the Moli d'en Solà. Ruta 3 Vall dels Sentits
A walk through some ot the prettiest corners of the Vall de Bianya, following the course of the Santa Lucia river until reahing the Rovira bridge, apart from being able to visit the church of Sant Pere Despuig.
Vayreda’s Alta Garrotxa. Route 8 Garrotxa
Marian Vayreda’s novel La Punyalada provides one of the best ways of discovering the Alta Garrotxa. The places depicted by this 19th century author in the scenes from his famous novel have been joined in a discovery route.
Olot and its volcanoes
Rediscover nature in the heart of the city. The urban layout of Olot is set around one of the most famous volcanoes: Montsacopa.