
Environmental and cultural guide companies at Tortellà » L'Altra Garrotxa


  • L'Altra Garrotxa

  • Address

    • Carrer Sant Jaume, 15
  • Phone number

    • 636 00 75 59
  • Type of company

    • Tourist activities company
  • Guidance type

    • Nature
    • Culture
  • Town


Exclusive workshops and activities in Alta Garrotxa

Hiking, photography, astronomy, nature, history and much more... with activities available all year round and with seasonal proposals.
all year round

Offers available all year round for small groups of a maximum of 6 people.

Places and price: 6 places, €500 per person.

Itinerary: This itinerary may vary depending on the weather or the needs of the livestock

Friday September 13

We meet at 17:00 in Tortellà where we leave your vehicles parked. With our all-terrain vehicle we go to the farmhouse of Bocabartella, near Comanegra.
We leave our luggage at the farm, which is where we will spend the night and go to meet the herd and the shepherds. They welcome us and we accompany them until closing the herd in the cleda.

At night we have dinner together with Anna in Bocabartella and go to bed, early if possible.

Saturday, September 14

In the morning we get up at 6:00 a.m., have a bite to eat and head out towards Comanegra along the cattle path, during this first section there is a lot of unevenness until we reach the top, we have breakfast on the way.
Before noon, we arrive in Ribelles. Here we make a long stop and take the opportunity to rest and have a picnic lunch with the possibility of swimming in the stream of Sant Aniol d'Aguja. The herd grazes and rests.

In the afternoon we continue until we reach the pairalia (ruin) of Comella where we will spend the night.
Grill dinner and sleep in a tent.

Sunday, September 15

Again we get up early, 6:00 am, have breakfast and leave in the direction of Albanyà, we go up to Creu de Principi and Coll de Bassegoda. We have lunch, and soon in the afternoon we start to descend towards Albanyà, passing through Can Padern and Píncaro. We arrive in Albanyà where we close the sheep again in the cleda where they will spend the night, we visit the farm of the friends of Fruits vermelles. Transport is waiting for us at the foot of the track to return to the starting point. Estimated arrival in Tortellà at 8:00 p.m.

Materials needed for the experience:

Comfortable clothes and shoes, a couple of spares, similar to trekking.
Towel and bathing suit.
Raincoat and/or umbrella, hat and sunscreen.
Small backpack or bag.
Sleeping bag, mattress and front.

All information and reservations at:


How to get there?

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